AQUAMATIC OY / Raymarine Huollon palveluhinnasto 2/2016: Huolto- ja korjaustyφhinnat ( sis. ALV 24% ) : Tyφn minimilaskutus on 125 ja yli tunnin menevδltδ ajalta seuraavasti: Tyφn kesto: 1-8 tuntia a`125 / tunti Tyφn kesto: yli 8 tuntia sopimuksen mukaan Klo. 18.00 jδlkeisenδ aikana tehdyt tyφt ovat kestosta riippumatta 125 / tunti Matkakulut: Matka 1. Alle 20 km a`25 Matka 2. yli 20 km a`1,10 / km Pidδtδmme oikeuden muuttaa hintoja ilman eri ilmoitusta. Oheisesta palveluhinnastosta voit tarkastaa arviohinnan, jolla pyrimme saattamaan vanhan Raymarine tuotteesi jδlleen luotettavasti toimivaksi. Hinnat sisδltδvδt korjaustyφn ilman Arvonlisδveroa ( ALV 0%). Jotta tietδisit mitδ laitteen korjaus maksaa, lφydδt kaksi hintaa, joista edullisempi sisδltδδ tarkastusmaksun sekδ tarvittaessa mahdollisen ohjelmistopδivityksen. Korkeammalla hinnalla korjaamme laitteesi toimtakuntoiseksi. Joskus kuitenkin laitteet on rikottu- tai hajonneet- esim. ukkosvaurion seurauksena niin pahoin ettδ korjaus ei ole mielekδstδ. Tδllφin voimme tarjota Sinulle mahdollisuuden hankkia meiltδ uudet vastaavat tuotteet noin -20% alennuksella ohjehinnasta, lisδttynδ kulloisenkin laitteen tarkastusmaksulla. Punaisella merkittyihin tuotteisiin emme tδllδ hetkellδ suorita korjauksia varaosapuutteiden vuoksi. Kaikkiin korjaukseen tuleviin tuotteisiin tarvitsemme mukaan huolellisesti tδytetyn lδhetteen jonka lφydδt tδstδ. Lisδtietoja Mika Anttilalta puh. 0400 864 909 |
AIS Lδhetin-Vastaanottimet |
E03015 | AIS250 VASTAANOTTAVA | Does not include transducer | 112 |
245 |
E32157 | AIS350 - DUAL CHANNEL RECEIVER | Does not include transducer | 112 |
230 |
E32158 | AIS650 - CLASS B TRANCEIVER | Does not include transducer | 112 |
324 |
E62235 | AIS500 - Class B Tranceiver | Does not include transducer | 112 |
461 |
E43026 | Ray 101 Handheld VHF Radio | Excluding batteries | 88 | 130 |
E43003 | Ray 215 VHF Radio | With handset | 88 | 213 |
E43003 | Ray 215 VHF Radio | Without handset | 88 | 166 |
E43034 | RAY49 VHF GREY | | 88 | 138 |
E43035 | RAY49E VHF GREY | | 88 | 138 |
E43039 | RAY49E VHF WHITE | | 88 | 138 |
E43023 | Ray 54 VHF Radio (black) | | 88 | 128 |
E43022 | Ray 54 VHF Radio (white) | | 88 | 128 |
E43037 | RAY55E VHF RADIO | | 88 | 187 |
E46021 | RAY215/RAY230 SECOND STA. KIT | | 112 | 173 |
E46022 | RAY230E FULL FUNCTION-2ND SET | | 112 | 202 |
E43014 | RAY230E VHF (WARRANTY ONLY) | With handset | 112 | 374 |
E43014 | RAY230E VHF (WARRANTY ONLY) | Without handset | 112 | 288 |
E43007 | Ray 230 VHF Radio/Loudhailer w/DTMF | With handset | 112 | 374 |
E43007 | Ray 230 VHF Radio/Loudhailer w/DTMF | Without handset | 112 | 288 |
E43033 | RAY218E VHF RADIO | | 112 | 245 |
E42002 | RAY240E | With handset | 112 | 302 |
E42002 | RAY240E | Without handset | 112 | 230 |
E45002 | RAY240 EU 2ND STATION | | 100 | 158 |
E45003 | RAY240 ACTIVE SPEAKER | | 72 | 86 |
E45010 | RAY240 HANDSET EU | | 95 | 124 |
E63069 | DSM300 USE E63069G | | 112 |
302 |
E63069G | DSM300 | | 112 |
302 |
E63074 | DSM30 DIGITAL ECHO SOUNDER | | 112 |
302 |
E63070 | DSM30 Sounder Module | | 112 |
302 |
E63072 | DSM400 Sounder Module | | 112 |
792 |
R28170 | VANE TUULIANTURI, LYHYT | | 112 |
346 |
R28171 | VANE TUULIANTURI, PITKΔ | | 112 |
416 |
Z195 | Rotavecta TUULIANTURI | | 112 |
340 |
A18104 | S100 KEYFOB | | 101 |
121 |
A18106 | TUKIASEMA / BASE STATION | | 89 |
108 |
E15024 | S100 FOB & BASESTATION | | 112 |
166 |
A18105 | SMART CONTROLLER | | 112 |
187 |
259 |
E15026 | LIFETAG RF TAG SET | | 65 |
79 |
A18130 | Lifetag Base Station | | 112 |
158 |
E22037 | ST40 SPEED | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22038 | ST40 DEPTH | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22039 | ST40 BIDATA | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22041 | ST40 WIND | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22042 | ST40 COMPASS | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22043 | ST40 SPEED SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22044 | ST40 DEPTH SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22045 | ST40 BIDATA SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22047 | ST40 WIND SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22048 | ST40 COMPASS SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22052 | ST40 SPEED TRANSOM SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22053 | ST40 DEPTH TRANSOM SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22054 | ST40 BIDATA TRANSOM SYSTEM | Display only | 88 |
120 |
E22054-PZ | ST40 BIDATA SYSTEM (TM) | Display only | 88 |
120 |
A22001 | ST60 SPEED (Digital) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22001-P | ST60+ SPEED | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22002 | ST60 DEPTH (Digital) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22002-P | ST60+ DEPTH (DIGITAL) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22004 | ST60 TRIDATA (Digital) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22004-P | ST60+ TRIDATA (DIGITAL) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22005 | ST60 WIND (Analogue) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22005-P | ST60+ WIND (ANALOGUE) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22006 | ST60 CH/WIND (Analogue) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22006-P | ST60+ CH/WIND (ANALOGUE) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22007 | ST60 COMPASS (Analogue) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22007-P | ST60+ COMPASS (ANALOGUE) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22008 | ST60 R.A.I. (Analogue) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22008-P | ST60+ R.A.I. (ANALOGUE) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22009 | ST60 SPEED (Digital) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22009-P | ST60+ SPEED (DIGITAL) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22010 | ST60 DEPTH (Digital) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22010-P | ST60+ DEPTH (DIGITAL) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22011 | ST60 WIND ANALOGUE ROTA SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22011-P | ST60+ WIND ANALOGUE ROTA SYS | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22012 | ST60 WIND ANALOGUE VANE SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22012-P | ST60+WIND ANALOGUE VANE SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22013 | ST60 TRIDATA (Digital) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22013-P | ST60+ TRIDATA (DIGITAL)SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22014 | ST60 COMPASS (ANALOGUE) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22014-P | ST60+ COMPASS (ANALOGUE) SYS | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22015 | ST60 R.A.I. (ANALOGUE) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22015-P | ST60+ R.A.I. (ANALOGUE) SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22016 | ST60 CLUB WIND ANALOGUE SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22016-P | ST60+CLUB WIND ANALOGUE SYSTEM | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22017 | ST60 TRIDATA REPEATER(Digital) | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22017-P | ST60+ TRIDATA REPEATER,DIGITAL | Display only | 100 | 216 |
E22075 | ST60 GRAPHIC | Display only | 100 | 216 |
E22075-P | ST60+ GRAPHIC | Display only | 100 | 216 |
A22003 | ST60 Multi Display | Display only | 100 | 216 |
E12196 | ST70 COLOUR AUTOPILOT | | 124 |
288 |
E22105 | ST70 COLOUR INSTRUMENT | | 112 |
288 |
E22106 | ST70 DEPTH TRANSDUCER POD | | 112 |
144 |
E22107 | ST70 SPEED TRANSDUCER POD | | 112 |
144 |
E22108 | ST70 WIND TRANSDUCER POD | | 112 |
144 |
E22115 | ST70 PLUS DISPLAY | | 112 |
461 |
E22116 | ST70 PLUS INSTRUMENT KEYPAD | | 112 |
202 |
E22067 | ST290/ST70 Active Depth Pod | | 112 |
144 |
E22069 | ST290/ST70 Active Speed Pod | | 112 |
144 |
E22059 | ST290/ST70 Analog Wind Display | | 112 |
259 |
E22056 | ST290 Data Display | | 112 |
461 |
E22055 | ST290 Data Processing Unit (DPU) | | 112 |
230 |
E22057 | ST290 Graphic Display | | 112 |
526 |
A12004 | ST1000+ TILLER | | 142 |
209 |
A12004R | ST1000+ TILLER REMAN | | 142 |
209 |
E12134 | ST1000+ TILLER PROMO PACK | | 142 |
209 |
Z138 | ST1000 | | 142 |
209 |
A12005 | ST2000+ TILLER | | 141 |
268 |
A12005R | ST2000+ TILLER REMAN | | 141 |
268 |
E12135 | ST2000+ TILLER PROMO PACK | | 141 |
268 |
Z139 | ST2000 | | 141 |
268 |
E12098 | ST6002 CONTROL UNIT | | 124 | 265 |
E12098-P | ST6002 CONTROL UNIT | | 124 | 265 |
E12099 | ST7001 Autopilot Control Head | | 124 | 331 |
E12099-P | ST7002 Autopilot Control Head | | 124 | 331 |
E12119 | ST8001 Autopilot Control Head | | 124 | 331 |
E12119-P | ST8002 Autopilot Control Head | | 124 | 420 |
E52045 | SL70C+ 7" Color Radar Display | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52046 | SL70CRC+ 7" Color Radar/Chartplotter Display | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52028 | SL72+ 7" Monochrome Radar Display | Display only | 151 |
610 |
R58149 | SL72RC+ 7" Monochrome Radar/Chartplotter Display | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52031 | RL70 PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
M92662 | RL70 7" Monochrome Radar Display w/HSB | Display only | 151 |
610 |
M92734 | RL70C 7" Color Radar Display w/HSB | Display only | 151 |
610 |
M92735 | RL70CRC 7" Color Radar/Chartplotter Display w/HSB | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52032 | RL70RC PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52033 | RL70C PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52033HB | RL70C PLUS HB DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52034 | RL70CRC PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52034HB | RL70CRC PLUS HB DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E52034R | RL70CRC+ 7"CLR DISPLAY-REMAN. | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E32035 | RC530+ (COLOUR) USE E32035HB | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E32035HB | RC530 PLUS HB DISPLAY | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E32034 | Raychart 520+ 7" Monochrome Chartplotter w/HSB2 | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E32020 | Raychart 530 7" Color Chartplotter w/HSB | Display only | 151 |
610 |
E32044 | SL530 7in COLOUR PLOTTER & GPS | Display only | 151 |
610 |
M92691 | RL80C 10" Color Radar Display w/HSB | Display only | 163 |
910 |
M92696 | RL80CRC 10" Color Radar/Chartplotter Display w/HSB | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E52037 | RL80C PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E52037BB | RL80C DISPLAY (OEM) | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E52038 | RL80CRC PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E52038BB | RL80CRC DISPLAY (OEM) | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E52038R | RL80CRC PLUS DISPLAY REMAN | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E32024 | 10.4in COLOUR DISPLAY (RC631) | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E32036 | RC631 PLUS DISPLAY | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E32048 | SL631 10" Color Chartplotter | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E32045 | SL631 10IN COLOUR PLOTTER & GP | Display only | 163 |
910 |
E62192 | A70D | Display only | 146 | 576 |
E62190 | A70 | Display only | 146 | 533 |
E62188 | A57D | Display only | 146 | 389 |
E62186 | A50D | Display only | 146 | 317 |
E62184 | A50 | Display only | 146 | 288 |
E02018 |
C70 LCD DISPLAY | Display only | 154 | 574 |
E02018R | C70 DISPLAY REMAN | Display only | 154 | 574 |
E02020 | C80 LCD DISPLAY | Display only | 154 | 574 |
E02020R | C80 DISPLAY REMAN | Display only | 154 | 574 |
E02022 | C120 LCD DISPLAY | Display only | 154 | 654 |
E02022R | C120 DISPLAY REMAN | Display only | 154 | 654 |
E02011 | E80 LCD DISPLAY | Display only | 146 | 803 |
E02011R | E80 DISPLAY REMAN | Display only | 146 | 803 |
E02013 | E120 LCD DISPLAY | Display only | 152 | 855 |
E02013BB | E120 DISPLAY W/O TRUNNION MNTS | Display only | 152 | 855 |
E02013R | E120 DISPLAY REMAN | Display only | 152 | 855 |
E62111 | C90W DISPLAY | Display only | 160 | 697 |
E62113 | C120W DISPLAY | Display only | 166 | 697 |
E62115 | C140W DISPLAY | Display only | 178 | 996 |
E62220-EU | E90W DISPLAY (EU) | Display only | 161 |
834 |
E62223-EU | E120W DISPLAY (EU) | Display only | 166 |
912 |
E62226-EU | E140W DISPLAY (EU) | Display only | 178 |
1,184 |
1,560 |
1,560 |
E62247 | G120 Marine Display | | 273 |
1,656 |
E62248 | G150 Marine Display | | 273 |
2,040 |
E02036 | G170 Marine Display | | 273 |
2,520 |
E02037 | G190 Marine Display | | 273 |
3,480 |
E03007 | CAM100 Marine Camera | | 136 |
281 |
E03016 | CAM50 Color Dome Camera | | 98 |
127 |
M81130 | RAYPILOT TYP1 LINEAR DRIVE | Drive unit only | 201 |
835 |
M81131 | RAYPILOT T2S 12V LINEAR DRIVE | Drive unit only | 201 |
835 |
M81132 | RAYPILOT TYP2 12V LINEAR DRIVE | Drive unit only | 201 |
835 |
M81133 | RAYPILOT T2S 24V LINEAR DRIVE | Drive unit only | 201 |
835 |
M81134 | RAYPILOT TYP2 24V LINEAR DRIVE | Drive unit only | 201 |
835 |
Z029 | 6000 12V TYPE 2 LINEAR | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
Z058 | TYP 2 "S"LINEAR DRIVE UNIT(12V | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
Z059 | TYP 2"S" LINEAR D/UNIT (24V) | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
Z032 | 6000 24V TYPE 2 LINEAR | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
Z039 | 6000 TYPE 1. LINEAR 12V | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
M81131R | RAYPILOT T2S 12V LINEAR DRIVE Reman | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
M81130R | RAYPILOT TYP1 LINEAR DRIVE | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
M81132R | RAYPILOT TYP2 12V LINEAR DRIVE Remn | Drive unit only | 202 |
836 |
M81135 | RAYPILOT TYP1 ROTARY DRIVE | Drive unit only | 202 | 430 |
M81136 | RAYPILOT TYP2 12V ROTARY DRIVE | Drive unit only | 202 | 430 |
M81137 | RAYPILOT TYP2 24V ROTARY DRIVE | Drive unit only | 202 | 430 |
Z028 | ROTARY ACTUATOR T2-12Volt | Drive unit only | 202 | 430 |
Z031 | ROTARY ACTUATOR T2-24Volt | Drive unit only | 202 | 430 |
M81137R | RAYPILOT TYP2 24V ROTARY DRIVE rem | Drive unit only | 202 | 430 |
M81120 | Type 1 Hydraulic Reversing Pump, 12V DC | | 153 |
348 |
M81121 | Type 2 Hydraulic Reversing Pump, 12V DC | | 153 |
384 |
E12026 | Universal Inboard/Outboard Autopilot Drive Unit | | 153 |
558 |
N018 | I/O Drive Module Assembly | | 153 |
428 |
A18081 | ST4000 MK2 WHEEL DRIVE MODULE | Drive unit only | 166 |
264 |
E12133 | SPX-5 WHEEL COREPACK (NO HEAD) | Drive unit only | 166 |
264 |
E12201 | SPX5 SMARTPILOT - WHEELDRIVE | Drive unit only | 166 |
264 |
E12053 | ST4000+ MK2 WHEEL PILOT SYSTEM | Drive unit only | 166 |
264 |
E12093 | ST4000 MK2 WHEEL DRIVE ONLY | Drive unit only | 166 |
264 |
E12180 | ST6002 S1 WHEELDRIVE SYSTEM - NLA | Drive unit only | 166 |
264 |
E12190 | SMART TILLER DRIVE (ST6002) | Replacement motor only | 112 | 166 |
E12203 | SPX5 SMARTPILOT TILLER PLUS | Replacement motor only | 112 | 166 |
E12137 | SPX-5 TILLER COREPCK (NO HEAD) | Replacement motor only | 112 | 166 |
Q047 | ST4000 TILLER DRIVE MODULE | Replacement motor only | 112 | 166 |
Z141 | ST4000 TILLER DRIVE UNIT | Replacement motor only | 112 | 166 |
E15020 | S1 Course Computer | Course computer only | 136 | 432 |
E15021 | S1G Course Computer | Course computer only | 136 | 832 |
E12169 | S1000 Course Computer | Course computer only | 136 | 382 |
E12054 | S2 COREPACK 12V STANDARD | Course computer only | 141 | 595 |
E15013 | S2 COURSE COMPUTER ONLY | Course computer only | 141 | 595 |
E15013R | S2 COURSE COMPUTER REMAN | Course computer only | 141 | 595 |
E12091 | S2G C/PACK W/RGYRO & AST 12V | Course computer only | 141 | 559 |
E15015 | S2G COURSE COMPUTER ONLY | Course computer only | 141 | 559 |
E15015R | S2G COURSE COMPUTER REMAN | Course computer only | 141 | 559 |
E12055 | S3 COREPACK 12/24V-STANDARD | Course computer only | 141 | 1050 |
E15014 | S3 COURSE COMPUTER ONLY | Course computer only | 141 | 1050 |
E15014R | S3 COURSE COMPUTER REMAN | Course computer only | 141 | 1050 |
E12092 | S3G CPACK W/RGYRO & AST 12/24V | Course computer only | 141 | 1050 |
E12177 | S3G VOLVO IPS COURSE COMPUTER | Course computer only | 141 | 682 |
E15016 | S3G COURSE COMPUTER ONLY NOTES | Course computer only | 141 | 1700 |
E15016R | S3G C/COMPUTER REMAN 12/24V | Course computer only | 141 | 682 |
E12206 | SPX5 SPORTDRIVE PILOT | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12220 | SPX5-R | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12222 | SPX5-R COREPACK (NO HEAD) | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12204 | SPX5 SMARTPILOT TILLER GP | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12203 | SPX5 SMARTPILOT TILLER PLUS | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
R18151 | SPX5AP SMARTPILOT CC SPARE | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
R12221 | SPX5-R Drive Only | | 153 |
336 |
R18151 | SPX5AP SMARTPILOT CC SPARE | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12138 | SPX-5 TILLER GP PACK (NO HEAD) | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12137 | SPX-5 TILLER COREPCK (NO HEAD) | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12201 | SPX5 SMARTPILOT - WHEELDRIVE | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12133 | SPX-5 WHEEL COREPACK (NO HEAD) | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
E12132 | SPX-5 SPORT COREPACK (NO HEAD) | Course computer only | 141 |
276 |
R18175 | SPXCAP SMARTPILOT COURSE COMP | Course computer only | 141 |
595 |
R18160 | SPXSAP SMARTPILOT COURSE COMP | Course computer only | 141 |
552 |
E12200 | SPX-IPS COREPACK | Course computer only | 141 |
840 |
E12205 | SPXSOL SMARTPILOT CORE PACK | Course computer only | 141 |
422 |
E12198 | SPX10 SMARTPILOT COREPACK | Course computer only | 141 |
1100 |
R18154 | SPX10AP SMARTPILOT CC SPARE | Course computer only | 141 |
1100 |
R18157 | SPX30AP SMARTPILOT CC SPARE | Course computer only | 141 |
1700 |
E12199 | SPX30 SMARTPILOT COREPACK | Course computer only | 141 |
1700 |
M81190 | Fluxgate Compass Transducer | | 79 |
151 |
E55058 | High Speed Network Swith | | 112 |
202 |
E85001 | PC/SeaTalk/NMEA Interface Box | | 83 | 108 |
M81105 | Rotary Rudder Reference Transducer | | 86 | 144 |
E52065 | 18" 2KW RADOME - RD218 | Scanner only | 228 |
533 |
E52079 | 18" 2KW RADOME WO CBL-RD218 | Scanner only | 228 |
533 |
E52067 | 24" 4KW RADOME - RD424 | Scanner only | 228 |
706 |
E52080 | 24" 4KW RADOME WO CBL-RD424 | Scanner only | 228 |
706 |
E92129 | DIGITAL RADOME 418D /10M CABLE | Scanner only | 228 |
648 |
E92130 | DIGITAL RADOME 418D / NO CABLE | Scanner only | 228 |
648 |
E92131 | DIGITAL RADOME 424D /10MTR CAB | Scanner only | 228 |
648 |
E92132 | DIGITAL RADOME 424D / NO CABLE | Scanner only | 228 |
648 |
E92142 | HD DIGITAL RADOME 4kW | Scanner only | 228 |
648 |
E92143 | HD DIGITAL 24" RADOME | Scanner only | 228 |
792 |
M92655 | Pathfinder 10kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
1,296 |
M92655-S | Pathfinder 10kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
1,296 |
M92654 | Pathfinder 4kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
936 |
M92654-S | Pathfinder 4kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
936 |
E52069E | HD color 4kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
936 |
E52081E | Super HD color 4kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
1,080 |
E92160E | HD color 12kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
1,224 |
E52083E | Super HD color 12kW Open Array Scanner Pedestal | | 252 |
1,368 |
E42170 | 33 STV Antenna | Antenna only | 252 |
936 |
R42175 | 33 STV ACU | | 252 |
360 |
E93017 | 37 STV Antenna | Antenna only | 252 |
1,080 |
R08319 | 37 STV ACU | | 252 |
360 |
E93013-2 | 45 STV Antenna | Antenna only | 264 |
1,236 |
R42189 | 45 STV ACU | | 264 |
372 |
E93014 | 60 STV Antenna | Antenna only | 276 |
1,824 |
R08255 | 60 STV ACU | | 276 |
384 |
E32026 | Raystar 125 GPS Sensor | | 88 |
158 |
E32119 | RayStar 125GPS+ ST NG | | 88 |
158 |